

We load the package along with raster and samc. We also load the microbenchmark package to benchmark code performance. We will use ggplot for some visualizations.

#> Loading required package: sp
#> The following parameters have officially been removed from the samc() function in version 2: 
#> 1) `latlon`: Now handled automatically. 
#> 2) `resistance`: `data` should be used in its place. 
#> 3) `p_mat`: The P matrix is now provided via `data`. 
#> 4) `tr_fun`: See the samc() function documentation for the alternative. 
#> 5) `directions`: See the samc() function documentation for the alternative. 
#> 6) `override`: See the samc-class documentation for the alternative.
#> Attaching package: 'samc'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:LSTDConnect':
#>     distribution, samc
#> Warning: package 'microbenchmark' was built under R version 4.1.2

Then, access the buolt-in dataset, ghm. This raster represent habitat resistance for a small part of Canada (100 cells squares, at a resolution of 1 km).

res <- LSTDConnect::ghm

Running SAMC in paralell

LSTDconnect is optimized to obtain the transient distributions from a SAMC calculation. We will ise the ghm layer as resistance and will use the opposite layer for occupancy occ such as occ = 1-res.

occ <- 101 - res

Mortality is built from resisatnce such as when resistance is larger than 80, mortality is high whereas under 80, it is low.

high_mort <- 0.25
low_mort <- 0.01
cutoff <- 80

mort <- res
mort[mort >= cutoff] <- high_mort
mort[mort < cutoff] <- low_mort

We first run LSTDConnect::samc to prepare the data for the computation.

samc_cache <- LSTDConnect::samc(resistance = res, absorption = mort, 
                                directions = 8)

We then use LSTDConnect::distribution, analogous to samc::distribution, to get the transient distribution of individuals for a given time step. We get a 2 elements list, which can be

dists <- LSTDConnect::distribution(samc = samc_cache, occ = occ, time = 1000)

Comparison with the original samc package

We can compare the results with those given by the samc package.

tr_list <- list(fun = function(x) 1 / mean(x),
                dir = 8, 
                sym = TRUE)

samc_cache_comp <- samc::samc(data = res, absorption = mort, tr_args = tr_list)
#> Warning in showSRID(uprojargs, format = "PROJ", multiline = "NO", prefer_proj
#> = prefer_proj): Discarded datum Unknown based on GRS80 ellipsoid in Proj4
#> definition
dists_comp <- samc::distribution(samc = samc_cache_comp, occ = occ, time = 1000)
dists_mapped <- samc::map(samc_cache_comp, dists_comp)

Let’s look at the differences. We can see the error is extremely small

diff <- dists_mapped - dists$occ

hist(values(diff), main = "Error")

Let’s now benchmark and compare the speed of these two packages by running each process 100 times

t <- 1000

samc_obj <- samc::samc(data = res,
                       absorption = mort,
                       tr_args = tr_list)  
#> Warning in showSRID(uprojargs, format = "PROJ", multiline = "NO", prefer_proj
#> = prefer_proj): Discarded datum Unknown based on GRS80 ellipsoid in Proj4
#> definition
samc_obj_custom <- LSTDConnect::samc(resistance = res, 
                                     absorption = mort, 
                                     directions = 8)

mbm <- microbenchmark(
  "samc" = {
    short_disp <- samc::distribution(samc = samc_obj,
                                     occ = mort,
                                     time = t)
  "LSTDConnect" = {
    short_disp_custom <- LSTDConnect::distribution(samc = samc_obj_custom,
                                                   occ = occ, 
                                                   time = t)
  times = 100,
  unit = "s", 
  control = list(order = "block")) 
#> Unit: seconds
#>         expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
#>         samc 0.2788330 0.3277569 0.3302837 0.3353581 0.3403742 0.3643753   100
#>  LSTDConnect 0.2911369 0.2974915 0.3032642 0.3000725 0.3064280 0.3362828   100