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Project a road network that links target landings to existing roads. For all methods except "snap", a weightRaster and weightFunction together determine the cost to build a road between two adjacent raster cells.


  landings = NULL,
  weightRaster = NULL,
  roads = NULL,
  roadMethod = "ilcp",
  plotRoads = FALSE,
  mainTitle = "",
  neighbourhood = "octagon",
  weightFunction = simpleCostFn,
  sim = NULL,
  roadsOut = NULL,
  roadsInWeight = TRUE,
  ordering = "closest",
  roadsConnected = FALSE,

# S4 method for class 'ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,missing'
  landings = NULL,
  weightRaster = NULL,
  roads = NULL,
  roadMethod = "ilcp",
  plotRoads = FALSE,
  mainTitle = "",
  neighbourhood = "octagon",
  weightFunction = simpleCostFn,
  sim = NULL,
  roadsOut = NULL,
  roadsInWeight = TRUE,
  ordering = "closest",
  roadsConnected = FALSE,

# S4 method for class 'ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,list'
  landings = NULL,
  weightRaster = NULL,
  roads = NULL,
  roadMethod = "ilcp",
  plotRoads = FALSE,
  mainTitle = "",
  neighbourhood = "octagon",
  weightFunction = simpleCostFn,
  sim = NULL,
  roadsOut = NULL,
  roadsInWeight = TRUE,
  ordering = "closest",
  roadsConnected = FALSE,



sf polygons or points, RasterLayer, SpatialPolygons*, SpatialPoints*, or matrix. Contains features to be connected to the road network. Matrix should contain columns x, y with coordinates, all other columns will be ignored. Polygon and raster inputs will be processed by getLandingsFromTarget() to get the centroid of harvest blocks.


SpatRaster or RasterLayer. A weightRaster and weightFunction together determine the cost to build a road between two adjacent raster cells. For the default weightFunction = simpleCostFn, the weightRaster should specify the cost of construction across each raster cell. The value of cells that contain existing roads should be set to 0; if not set roadsInWeight = FALSE to adjust the cost of existing roads. To use the alternative grade penalty method, set weightFunction = gradePenaltyFn, and provide a weightRaster in which:

  • NA indicates a road cannot be built

  • Negative values are costs for crossing streams or other barriers that are crossable but expensive.

  • Zero values are existing roads.

  • All other values are interpreted as elevation in the units of the raster map (so that a difference between two cells equal to the map resolution can be interpreted as 100% grade).


sf lines, SpatialLines*, RasterLayer, SpatRaster. The existing road network.


Character. Options are "ilcp", "mst", "lcp", and "snap". See Details below.


Boolean. Should the resulting road network be plotted. Default FALSE.


Character. A title for the plot.


Character. "rook", "queen", or "octagon". Determines which cells are considered adjacent. The default "octagon" option is a modified version of the queen's 8 cell neighbourhood in which diagonal weights are multiplied by 2^0.5.


function. Method for calculating the weight of an edge between two nodes from the value of the weightRaster at each of those nodes (x1 and x2). The default simpleCostFn is the mean. The alternative, gradePenaltyFn, sets edge weights as a function of the difference between adjacent weightRaster cells to penalize steep grades. Users supplying their own weightFunction should note that it must be symmetric, meaning that the value returned should not depend on the ordering of x1 and x2. The weightFunction must include arguments x1, x2 and ....


list. Returned from a previous iteration of projectRoads. weightRaster, roads, and roadMethod are ignored if a sim list is provided.


Character. Either "raster", "sf" or NULL. If "raster" roads are returned as a SpatRaster in the sim list. If "sf" the roads are returned as an sf object which will contain lines if the roads input was sf lines but a geometry collection of lines and points if the roads input was a raster. The points in the geometry collection represent the existing roads while new roads are created as lines. If NULL (default) then the returned roads are sf if the input is sf or Spatial* and SpatRaster if the input was a raster.


Logical. If TRUE (default) the value of existing roads in the weightRaster is assumed to be 0. If FALSE cells in the weightRaster that contain existing roads will be set to 0.


character. The order in which landings are processed when roadMethod = "ilcp". Options are "closest" (default) where landings closest to existing roads are accessed first, or "none" where landings are accessed in the order they are provided in.


Logical. Are all roads fully connected? If TRUE and roadMethod = "mst" the MST graph can be simplified and the projection should be faster. Default is FALSE.


Optional additional arguments to weightFunction.


a list with components:

  • roads: the projected road network, including new and input roads.

  • weightRaster: the updated weightRaster in which new and old roads have value 0.

  • roadMethod: the road simulation method used.

  • landings: the landings used in the simulation.

  • g: the graph that describes the cost of paths between each cell in the updated weightRaster. Edges between vertices connected by new roads have weight 0. g can be used to avoid the cost of rebuilding the graph in a simulation with multiple time steps.


Four road network projection methods are:

  • "lcp": The Least Cost Path method connects each landing to the closest road with a least cost path, without reference to other landings.

  • "ilcp": The Iterative Least Cost Path method iteratively connects each landing to the closest road with a least cost path, so that the path to each successive landing can include roads constructed to access previous landings. The sequence of landings is determined by ordering and is "closest" by default. The alternative "none" option processes landings in the order supplied by the user.

  • "mst": The Minimum Spanning Tree method connects landings to the existing road with a minimum spanning tree that does not require users to specify the order in which landings are processed.

  • "snap": Connects each landing to the closest (by Euclidean distance) road without, reference to the weights or other landings.


CLUSexample <- prepExData(CLUSexample)
doPlots <- interactive()

projectRoads(CLUSexample$landings, CLUSexample$cost, CLUSexample$roads,
             "lcp", plotRoads = doPlots, mainTitle = "CLUSexample")
#> 0s detected in weightRaster raster, these will be considered as existing roads
#> $landings
#> Simple feature collection with 4 features and 0 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 0.5 ymin: 0.5 xmax: 4.5 ymax: 2.5
#> Projected CRS: NAD83 / Statistics Canada Lambert
#>          geometry
#> 1 POINT (0.5 2.5)
#> 2 POINT (2.5 2.5)
#> 3 POINT (1.5 0.5)
#> 4 POINT (4.5 0.5)
#> $roads
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 5, 5, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 0, 5, 0, 5  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : NAD83 / Statistics Canada Lambert (EPSG:3347) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> name        : lyr.1 
#> min value   : FALSE 
#> max value   :  TRUE 
#> $g
#> IGRAPH 09d6fbd U-W- 25 72 -- 
#> + attr: weight (e/n)
#> + edges from 09d6fbd:
#>  [1]  1-- 2  1-- 6  1-- 7  2-- 3  2-- 6  2-- 7  2-- 8  3-- 4  3-- 7  3-- 8
#> [11]  3-- 9  4-- 5  4-- 8  4-- 9  4--10  5-- 9  5--10  6-- 7  6--11  6--12
#> [21]  7-- 8  7--11  7--12  7--13  8-- 9  8--12  8--13  8--14  9--10  9--13
#> [31]  9--14  9--15 10--14 10--15 11--12 11--16 11--17 12--13 12--16 12--17
#> [41] 12--18 13--14 13--17 13--18 13--19 14--15 14--18 14--19 14--20 15--19
#> [51] 15--20 16--17 16--21 16--22 17--18 17--21 17--22 17--23 18--19 18--22
#> [61] 18--23 18--24 19--20 19--23 19--24 19--25 20--24 20--25 21--22 22--23
#> [71] 23--24 24--25
#> $weightRaster
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 5, 5, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 0, 5, 0, 5  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : NAD83 / Statistics Canada Lambert (EPSG:3347) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> name        :    lyr.1 
#> min value   :  0.00000 
#> max value   : 19.84622 
#> $roadMethod
#> [1] "lcp"

# More realistic examples that take longer to run
# \donttest{

demoScen <- prepExData(demoScen)

### using:  scenario 1 / sf landings / iterative least-cost path ("ilcp")
# demo scenario 1
scen <- demoScen[[1]]

# landing set 1 of scenario 1:
land.pnts <- scen$landings.points[scen$landings.points$set==1,]

prRes <- projectRoads(land.pnts, scen$cost.rast, scen$road.line, "ilcp",
                         plotRoads = doPlots, mainTitle = "Scen 1: SPDF-LCP")
#> 0s detected in weightRaster raster, these will be considered as existing roads

### using: scenario 1 / `SpatRaster` landings / minimum spanning tree ("mst")
# demo scenario 1
scen <- demoScen[[1]]

# the RasterLayer version of landing set 1 of scenario 1:
land.rLyr <- scen$landings.stack[[1]]

prRes <- projectRoads(land.rLyr, scen$cost.rast, scen$road.line, "mst",
                         plotRoads = doPlots, mainTitle = "Scen 1: Raster-MST")
#> 0s detected in weightRaster raster, these will be considered as existing roads
#> harvest raster values are all in 0,1. Using patches as landing areas

### using: scenario 2 / matrix landings raster roads / snapping ("snap")
# demo scenario 2
scen <- demoScen[[2]]

# landing set 5 of scenario 2, as matrix:
land.mat  <- scen$landings.points[scen$landings.points$set==5,] |>

prRes <- projectRoads(land.mat, scen$cost.rast, scen$road.rast, "snap",
                      plotRoads = doPlots, mainTitle = "Scen 2: Matrix-Snap")
#> 0s detected in weightRaster raster, these will be considered as existing roads
#> CRS of landings supplied as a matrix is assumed to match the weightRaster

## using scenario 7 / Polygon landings raster / minimum spanning tree
# demo scenario 7
scen <- demoScen[[7]]
# rasterize polygonal landings of demo scenario 7:
land.polyR <- terra::rasterize(scen$landings.poly, scen$cost.rast)

prRes <- projectRoads(land.polyR, scen$cost.rast, scen$road.rast, "mst",
                         plotRoads = doPlots, mainTitle = "Scen 7: PolyRast-MST")
#> 0s detected in weightRaster raster, these will be considered as existing roads
#> harvest raster values are all in 0,1. Using patches as landing areas
# }