This vignette is directed at users of the SyncroSim user interface
for integrating SpaDES, LandR and FireSense projections with caribou
habitat and demographic models in the caribouMetrics
package. For new users we recommend starting with our video tutorial presentation.
There are vignettes available for the caribou
habitat and demographic
models that give details on how the models work and how to run them in
R. To fully understand these models please refer to the journal articles
where they were published: Hornseth and Rempel
(2016) Johnson
et. al. (2020)].
Below we explain how to install and setup the user interface, provide
links between the options exposed in the UI and the
function documentation and demonstrate how
to set up a SynscroSim library and extract scenario results for plotting
in R using rsyncrosim.
To run the UI, installation of several software programs and packages is required. You will need to install R, RStudio (recommended), SyncroSim, ROFSim SyncroSim Package (instructions), caribouMetrics R package and rsyncrosim R package. The script below can be copied into the R console to install the caribouMetics and rsyncrosim packages and to check that the other required software is available. Use the links above to install the other software dependencies before running this script.
if(!requireNamespace("drat", quietly = TRUE)){
install.packages("pfocal", type = "binary")
if(!requireNamespace("pfocal", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("The pfocal package has not been successfully installed.\n",
"Re-run the code above and carefully read any error messages.")
install.packages("caribouMetrics", type = "binary")
if(!requireNamespace("caribouMetrics", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("The caribouMetrics package has not been successfully installed.\n",
"Re-run the code above and carefully read any error messages.")
# install rsyncrosim
if(!requireNamespace("rsyncrosim", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("The rsyncrosim package has not been successfully installed.\n",
"Re-run the code above and carefully read any error messages.")
# Check for Syncrosim and ROFSim package
if(!"ROFSim" %in% rsyncrosim::package()$name){
stop("The ROFSim SyncroSim package must be installed.\n",
"Follow instructions at:\n\n",
"to install the package from a file. \nThe file can be downloaded from:\n",
# Install ROFSim package dependencies
install.packages(c("RColorBrewer", "readr", "qs", "magrittr", "SpaDES.core",
"", "gbm", "ggplot2"))
By right clicking a scenario you can access the scenario properties.
The Caribou Metrics tab has options that can be set for the models. The
table below shows the option from the UI, the corresponding argument
name in caribouMetrics
, and the names of the function(s) in
that use that argument. Clicking the
function name will take you to the documentation for that function. You
can read the description at the top of the page to learn what the
function does and then find the argument name to read its
UI option | caribouMetrics argument | Function | Notes |
Tab: Caribou Range | |||
Caribou Range Name and Coeff Range Name | caribouRange | caribouHabitat() |
Caribou Range Name | projectPoly |
caribouHabitat() and
Tab:Caribou Model Options | |||
ECCC Buffer Width | bufferWidth | disturbanceMetrics() |
Project Polygon Padding | padProjPoly | caribouHabitat() |
Focal Padding | padFocal |
caribouHabitat() and
Number of Demographic Trajectories | replicates | demographicCoefficients() |
Demographic Model Version | modelVersion | demographicCoefficients() |
Survival Model Number | survivalModelNumber | demographicCoefficients() |
Recruitment Model Number | recruitmentModelNumber | demographicCoefficients() |
Initial Population Size | N | caribouPopGrowth() |
P_0: Maximum recruitment multiplier | P_0 | caribouPopGrowth() |
P_K: Recruitment multiplier at carrying capacity | P_K | caribouPopGrowth() |
a: Density dependence shape parameter | a | caribouPopGrowth() |
b: Allee effect parameter | b | caribouPopGrowth() |
K: Carrying capacity multiplier | K | caribouPopGrowth() |
r_max: Maximum population growth rate | r_max | caribouPopGrowth() |
s: Sex ratio | s | caribouPopGrowth() |
l_R: Minimum recruitment | l_R | caribouPopGrowth() |
h_R: Maximum recruitment | h_R | caribouPopGrowth() |
l_S: Minimum survival | l_S | caribouPopGrowth() |
h_S: Maximum survival | h_S | caribouPopGrowth() |
Interannual Variation | interannualVar | caribouPopGrowth() |
probOption | probOption | caribouPopGrowth() |
Tab: Raster Data | |||
Harvest | anthroDist | caribouHabitat() |
Anthropogenic Disturbance | anthroDist | caribouHabitat() |
Natural Disturbances | natDist | caribouHabitat() |
Provincial Land Cover | landCover | caribouHabitat() |
Tab: Polygon Data | |||
Ranges | projectPoly |
caribouHabitat() and
This .shp file can include multiple range polygons and the ones to use will be selected based on the Caribou Range Name provided |
Eskers | esker | cariouHabitat() |
Linear Features | linFeat | cariouHabitat() |
Here we demonstrate how to set up a SyncroSim Library for the ROFSim Package using the rsyncrosim package. For more details on the rsyncrosim package and its funcitons see the Introduction to rsyncrosim vignette
In this example we will create the new library inside the
package directory in order to take advantage
of the example data sets installed there. First we create a library
called “demoSSimLib” and then a project called “Demo”.
# Install ROFSim package using file path to ssimpkg file
# addPackage("path/to/ROFSim.ssimpkg")
rootPth <- system.file("extdata", package = "caribouMetrics")
cDir <- file.path(rootPth, "demoSSimLib")
libName <- "demoSSimLib"
cLib <- ssimLibrary(paste0(cDir, "/", libName), package = "ROFSim", overwrite = TRUE)
cProj <- project(cLib, "Demo")
Next, we ensure that SyncroSim uses the same R version as is used to run this vignette. This is only necessary if you have multiple R versions installed.
# Make sure the library uses the correct R installation
rConfig <- datasheet(cLib, name = "core_RConfig")
rConfig <- addRow(rConfig, c(ExePath = list.files(R.home("bin"), "Rscript", full.names = TRUE)))
saveDatasheet(cLib, rConfig, name = "core_RConfig")
Now we will set up the data sheets used at the project level and the
run control scenario. To determine the names of the sheets in the
project look at cProjDS
. You can determine what column
names and variable types are expected for a sheet with for example
str(datasheet(cProj, "ROFSim_CaribouRange"))
# inspect datasheets used at the project level
cProjDS <- datasheet(cProj)
# set available options for input data
cSheet <- "ROFSim_CaribouRange"
cc <- data.frame(Name = c("James Bay", "Missisa", "Ozhiski", "Nipigon",
saveDatasheet(cProj, cc, name = cSheet)
cSheet <- "ROFSim_Rasters"
cc <- data.frame(
Name = c("Caribou Ranges", "Harvest", "Anthropogenic Disturbance",
"Natural Disturbances", "Provincial Land Cover",
"Linear Features", "Eskers",
"Eskers400", "Roads")
saveDatasheet(cProj, cc, name = cSheet)
# scenarios - run control
rcScn <- scenario(cProj, "Run Control 2020 - 2100")
cSheet <- "ROFSim_RunControl"
cc <- data.frame(MinimumIteration = 1, MaximumIteration = 1,
MinimumTimestep = 2020, MaximumTimestep = 2100, OutputFrequency = 10)
saveDatasheet(rcScn, cc, name = cSheet)
Next we set up a scenario to process the data making sure that it is all aligned and ready for modelling.
datScn <- scenario(cProj, "data prep")
cSheet <- "core_Pipeline"
cc <- data.frame(StageNameID = "Prepare Spatial Data", RunOrder = 1)
saveDatasheet(datScn, cc, name = cSheet)
cSheet <- "ROFSim_RasterFile"
cc <- data.frame(RastersID = "Natural Disturbance",
Filename = file.path(rootPth, "natDist.tif"))
cc <- rbind(cc, data.frame(RastersID = "Harvest",
Filename = file.path(rootPth, "anthroDist.tif")))
cc <- rbind(cc, data.frame(RastersID = "Provincial Land Cover",
Filename = file.path(rootPth, "landCover.tif")))
saveDatasheet(datScn, cc, name = cSheet, append = FALSE)
cSheet <- "ROFSim_ExternalFile"
cc <- data.frame(PolygonsID = "Eskers", File = file.path(rootPth, "esker.shp"))
cc <- rbind(cc, data.frame(PolygonsID = "Linear Features",
File = file.path(rootPth, "rail.shp")))
cc <- rbind(cc, data.frame(PolygonsID = "Linear Features",
File = file.path(rootPth, "utilities.shp")))
cc <- rbind(cc, data.frame(PolygonsID = "Ranges",
File = file.path(rootPth, "projectPoly.shp")))
cc <- rbind(cc, data.frame(PolygonsID = "Study Area",
File = file.path(rootPth, "projectPoly.shp")))
cc <- rbind(cc, data.frame(PolygonsID = "Linear Features",
File = file.path(rootPth, "roads.shp")))
saveDatasheet(datScn, cc, name = cSheet, append = FALSE)
datRes <- run(datScn)
Finally, we set up a scenario by setting options for the models and telling SyncroSim where to find the input files. This scenario inherits the options from the run control scenario created above. We can run the scenario from R or open the SyncroSim library to see the user interface and run it from there.
# scenario - caribou - current
cbScn <- scenario(cProj, "Caribou - 2020-2100")
cSheet <- "core_Pipeline"
cc <- data.frame(StageNameID = "Caribou Habitat", RunOrder = 1)
saveDatasheet(cbScn, cc, name = cSheet)
cSheet <- "ROFSim_RunCaribouRange"
cc <- data.frame(Range = "Nipigon", CoeffRange = "Nipigon")
saveDatasheet(cbScn, cc, name = cSheet)
cSheet <- "ROFSim_CaribouDataSource"
cc <- data.frame(LandCoverRasterID = "Provincial Land Cover",
ProjectShapeFileID = "Ranges",
EskerRasterID = "Eskers400",
LinearFeatureRasterID = "Linear Features",
LinearFeatureShapeFileID = "Linear Features",
NaturalDisturbanceRasterID = "Natural Disturbance",
HarvestRasterID = "Harvest",
AnthropogenicRasterID = "Anthropogenic Disturbance")
saveDatasheet(cbScn, cc, name = cSheet)
cSheet <- "ROFSim_CaribouModelOptions"
cc <- data.frame(RunDistMetrics = TRUE, RunCaribouHabitat = TRUE,
RunDemographicModel = TRUE, padProjPoly = TRUE)
saveDatasheet(cbScn, cc, name = cSheet)
dependency(cbScn, rcScn)
dependency(cbScn, datRes)
# run the scenario
cbRes <- run(cbScn)
# Open the library in the SyncroSim UI
# shell.exec(filepath(cLib))
Once the scenario has run we can look at the results using the user interface or we can extract the results from the UI and create flexible custom plots in R. Here we extract the disturbance metrics to plot change over time (in our example there is no change) and extract the change in population metrics to see the variation among the 35 replicate populations.
# Get list of all results scenarios
allRes <- scenario(cLib, results = TRUE)
# get results scnID for the most recent result
exampleScn <- max(subset(allRes, grepl(paste0( "Caribou - 2020-2100 \\("),
# Load result tables
rScn <- scenario(cLib, exampleScn)
#Load result tables
distMetrics <- datasheet(rScn, "OutputDisturbanceMetrics")
popMetrics <- datasheet(rScn, "OutputPopulationMetrics")
#See changes in disturbance metrics over time
base1 <- ggplot(data = distMetrics,
aes(x = Timestep, y = Amount))+
geom_line(size = 0.5)+
theme(legend.position = "none")
popMetrics$MetricTypeDemogID <- as.character(popMetrics$MetricTypeDemogID)
popMetrics$Amount[popMetrics$MetricTypeDemogID == "N"] <-
log10(popMetrics$Amount[popMetrics$MetricTypeDemogID == "N"] + 0.001)
popMetrics$MetricTypeDemogID[popMetrics$MetricTypeDemogID == "N"] <- "log10N"
#See changes in demographic metrics over time
base2 <- ggplot(data = popMetrics,
aes(x = Timestep, y = Amount, group = Replicate,
colour = Replicate))+
geom_line(size = 0.5)+
facet_wrap(~MetricTypeDemogID, scales = "free")+
theme(legend.position = "none")
Finally delete the library to tidy up.
The ROFSim SyncroSim package that enables this workflow consists of an xml file that defines model inputs, outputs, and the UI design, and four transformers (pipeline stages) written in R:
Spades Import Given SpaDES outputs (example here), this transformer can extract any component of the outputs table. Our example library is currently configured to extract standAgeMap.
Generate LCC from Cohort Data Given SpaDES outputs, this transformer returns projected Ontario Far North Landcover maps, and maps of forest type (conifer, deciduous or mixed).
Spatial Data Given a Land Cover raster, a Study Area polygon, and
other spatial inputs, this transformer aligns all the spatial inputs.
This is a wrapper around the loadSpatialInputs()
from the caribouMetrics
Habitat Given maps of Ranges, Study Area, Linear Features, Land
Cover, Natural Disturbances, Harvest and Eskers that have been processed
by the Prepare Spatial Data transformer, this transformer calculates
results from the available caribou resource selection and demographic
models. Functions from the caribouMetrics
package are used
to calculate habitat selection and project demography as described