Load spatial input data from file and then align the inputs to the projectPoly and refRast. Inputs can be file names or spatial objects.

  convertToRast = NULL,
  convertToRastDens = NULL,
  altTemplate = NULL,
  useTemplate = NULL,
  reclassOptions = NULL,
  bufferWidth = NULL,
  ptDensity = 1,
  rastOut = "terra"



character or sf. A polygon delineating the study area.


character or raster. A raster which will be used as the template that all other rasters must align to (but see alttemplate).


list. A named list of inputs that are either spatial objects or file names of spatial objects. ".shp" is the only extension accepted for vector data and all other extensions will be passed to terra::rast(). If an element is a list these are assumed to be linear features and they are combined.


character. Optional. Names of elements of inputsList that should be converted to raster after loading.


character. Optional. Names of elements of inputsList that should be converted to raster line density after loading.


raster. Optional template raster for raster inputs that can have a different resolution from the refRast.


character. Optional. Names of elements of inputsList that use altTemplate.


list. An optional named list containing a function, a list where the first element is a function that takes the corresponding inputsList element as its first argument and the subsequent elements are named arguments for that function, or a matrix that will be passed to terra::classify().


numeric. The width of a moving window that will be applied to the data. If it is supplied a buffer of 3*bufferWidth around the projectPoly is used so that rasters will be cropped to a larger area. This can be used to avoid edge effects in moving window calculations


number. Only used if an element of inputsList is a list that contains a mixture of rasters and lines and is included in convertToRast. See rasterizeLineDensity().


character. The format that rasters should be output with. "raster" for RasterLayers and "terra" for SpatRasters. The default is "terra".


A named list with aligned spatial data components


# create example rasters
lc <- terra::rast(xmin = 0, xmax = 25000, ymin = 0, ymax = 25000, 
                     resolution = 250, crs = "EPSG:5070")
lc[] <- 0
nd <- lc
nd[1:30, 1:30] <- 1
ad <- lc
ad[30:50, 3:50] <- 1
lc[] <- 1
lc[70:100, 70:100] <- 2

# create sf objects
lf <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(list(sf::st_linestring(matrix(c(0, 0, 10000, 10000),
                                                            ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))),
                              crs = 5070))
esk <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(list(sf::st_linestring(matrix(c(0, 10000, 10000, 0),
                                                            ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))),
                              crs = 5070))

projPol <- sf::st_sf(sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(ad)))

# prepare data
res <- loadSpatialInputs(projectPoly = projPol, refRast = lc,
                         inputsList = list(esker = esk, linFeat = lf, natDist = nd,
                                           anthroDist = ad),
                         convertToRast = c("esker", "linFeat"))
#> cropping esker to extent of projectPoly
#> cropping linFeat to extent of projectPoly