A table containing the coefficients modelled by Hornseth and Rempel for the resource selection probability functions for 13 caribou ranges in Northern Ontario.



A data frame with 547 rows and 5 variables:

  • Season: season, one of Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

  • Variable: the shortform variable name for this resource type

  • Coefficient: modelled coefficients

  • WinArea: window area for moving window average

  • Range: the caribou range name


Rempel, R.S., Carlson, M., Rodgers, A.R., Shuter, J.L., Farrell, C.E., Cairns, D., Stelfox, B., Hunt, L.M., Mackereth, R.W. and Jackson, J.M., 2021. Modeling Cumulative Effects of Climate and Development on Moose, Wolf, and Caribou Populations. The Journal of Wildlife Management.