Produces summary tables for Bayesian caribou population model results. Optionally calculates Kolmogorov–Smirnov distances between Bayesian model results and national model results.

  startYear = min(caribouBayesDemogMod$inData$disturbanceIn$Year),
  endYear = max(caribouBayesDemogMod$inData$disturbanceIn$Year),
  paramTable = data.frame(param = "observed"),
  exData = NULL,
  simNational = NULL,
  getKSDists = FALSE



caribou Bayesian demographic model results produced by calling caribouBayesianPM()

startYear, endYear

year defining the beginning of the observation period and the end of the projection period.


data.frame. Optional. Scenario parameters see simulateObservations()


data.frame. Optional. Output of simulateObservations() that records the true population metrics of the population that observations were simulated from.


National simulation results, produced by calling getSimsNational()


logical. Should Kolmogorov–Smirnov distances be calculated?


a list of tables:

  • rr.summary.all: Mean parameter values for each year and standard deviation, upper and lower credible intervals projected by the Bayesian model, as well as scenario input parameters.

  • sim.all: Mean parameter values and upper and lower credible intervals from the National model for each year, as well as scenario input parameters.

  • obs.all: Observed parameter values with column "type" identifying if it is the "true" value of the simulated population or the "observed" value simulated based on the collaring program parameters.

  • kdDists: Kolmogorov–Smirnov distances and p-values, NA if getKSDists is false


scns <- getScenarioDefaults(projYears = 10, obsYears = 10,
                            obsAnthroSlope = 1, projAnthroSlope = 5,
                            collarCount = 20, cowMult = 5)

simO <- simulateObservations(scns)

out <- caribouBayesianPM(survData = simO$simSurvObs, ageRatio = simO$ageRatioOut,
                          disturbance = simO$simDisturbance,
                          Nchains = 1, Niter = 100, Nburn = 10,
                          Nthin = 2)
#> Warning: warning, low sample size of adult females in at least one year
#> using Kaplan-Meier survival model

getOutputTables(out, exData = simO$exData, paramTable = simO$paramTable,
                simNational = getSimsNational(), getKSDists = FALSE)
#> Warning: Setting expected survival S_bar to be between l_S and h_S.
#> Updating cached national simulations.
#> $rr.summary.all
#>     Year              Parameter     Mean      SD Lower 95% CRI Upper 95% CRI
#> 1   2014   Adjusted recruitment    0.135   0.022         0.102         0.180
#> 2   2014 Female population size 1000.000   0.000      1000.000      1000.000
#> 3   2014            Recruitment    0.261   0.039         0.192         0.348
#> 4   2014  Adult female survival    0.860   0.084         0.679         0.958
#> 5   2014 Population growth rate    0.976   0.101         0.794         1.115
#> 6   2015 Population growth rate    0.941   0.057         0.839         1.044
#> 7   2015   Adjusted recruitment    0.045   0.015         0.024         0.077
#> 8   2015            Recruitment    0.087   0.029         0.047         0.146
#> 9   2015  Adult female survival    0.900   0.051         0.815         0.987
#> 10  2015 Female population size  975.622 100.648       794.300      1114.600
#> 11  2016            Recruitment    0.511   0.053         0.426         0.615
#> 12  2016 Population growth rate    1.155   0.050         1.045         1.245
#> 13  2016 Female population size  919.289 119.301       773.400      1108.600
#> 14  2016  Adult female survival    0.912   0.038         0.823         0.977
#> 15  2016   Adjusted recruitment    0.265   0.033         0.206         0.338
#> 16  2017            Recruitment    0.458   0.097         0.296         0.631
#> 17  2017 Population growth rate    1.110   0.081         0.928         1.253
#> 18  2017 Female population size 1062.489 151.231       861.600      1337.400
#> 19  2017  Adult female survival    0.894   0.047         0.805         0.961
#> 20  2017   Adjusted recruitment    0.237   0.051         0.145         0.329
#> 21  2018            Recruitment    0.140   0.039         0.086         0.226
#> 22  2018 Population growth rate    0.949   0.074         0.752         1.038
#> 23  2018 Female population size 1179.156 194.028       825.000      1541.100
#> 24  2018  Adult female survival    0.886   0.064         0.722         0.974
#> 25  2018   Adjusted recruitment    0.073   0.021         0.044         0.118
#> 26  2019 Female population size 1125.333 237.290       714.300      1615.800
#> 27  2019 Population growth rate    1.034   0.061         0.924         1.137
#> 28  2019   Adjusted recruitment    0.158   0.027         0.118         0.207
#> 29  2019            Recruitment    0.305   0.043         0.242         0.387
#> 30  2019  Adult female survival    0.887   0.048         0.795         0.961
#> 31  2020  Adult female survival    0.869   0.054         0.758         0.967
#> 32  2020 Population growth rate    1.103   0.078         0.973         1.265
#> 33  2020   Adjusted recruitment    0.264   0.033         0.203         0.344
#> 34  2020 Female population size 1166.778 272.365       748.100      1831.400
#> 35  2020            Recruitment    0.509   0.051         0.414         0.591
#> 36  2021            Recruitment    0.597   0.062         0.499         0.703
#> 37  2021  Adult female survival    0.914   0.042         0.842         0.986
#> 38  2021 Population growth rate    1.195   0.062         1.094         1.294
#> 39  2021   Adjusted recruitment    0.309   0.039         0.242         0.369
#> 40  2021 Female population size 1298.578 371.514       760.900      2337.000
#> 41  2022            Recruitment    0.178   0.046         0.113         0.281
#> 42  2022 Population growth rate    0.941   0.071         0.795         1.053
#> 43  2022 Female population size 1559.844 477.330       877.000      2636.700
#> 44  2022  Adult female survival    0.862   0.063         0.739         0.961
#> 45  2022   Adjusted recruitment    0.092   0.024         0.060         0.141
#> 46  2023            Recruitment    0.325   0.050         0.237         0.415
#> 47  2023 Population growth rate    1.071   0.058         0.949         1.159
#> 48  2023 Female population size 1462.133 440.757       855.500      2346.100
#> 49  2023  Adult female survival    0.918   0.044         0.843         0.981
#> 50  2023   Adjusted recruitment    0.169   0.032         0.115         0.227
#> 51  2024            Recruitment    0.248   0.137         0.034         0.480
#> 52  2024 Population growth rate    0.976   0.120         0.732         1.163
#> 53  2024 Female population size 1567.333 486.481       847.600      2687.500
#> 54  2024  Adult female survival    0.863   0.084         0.674         0.973
#> 55  2024   Adjusted recruitment    0.129   0.071         0.016         0.241
#> 56  2025            Recruitment    0.293   0.160         0.108         0.507
#> 57  2025 Population growth rate    1.009   0.111         0.852         1.163
#> 58  2025 Female population size 1544.311 555.564       772.500      2858.400
#> 59  2025  Adult female survival    0.874   0.053         0.772         0.968
#> 60  2025   Adjusted recruitment    0.155   0.094         0.055         0.289
#> 61  2026 Female population size 1556.022 576.466       767.500      2849.500
#> 62  2026            Recruitment    0.262   0.166         0.029         0.637
#> 63  2026  Adult female survival    0.882   0.054         0.754         0.969
#> 64  2026 Population growth rate    1.003   0.102         0.799         1.221
#> 65  2026   Adjusted recruitment    0.136   0.086         0.014         0.324
#> 66  2027   Adjusted recruitment    0.113   0.085         0.028         0.302
#> 67  2027 Female population size 1554.044 563.418       772.100      2497.100
#> 68  2027            Recruitment    0.216   0.154         0.055         0.580
#> 69  2027  Adult female survival    0.845   0.090         0.750         0.949
#> 70  2027 Population growth rate    0.939   0.136         0.760         1.189
#> 71  2028 Population growth rate    0.949   0.105         0.731         1.134
#> 72  2028   Adjusted recruitment    0.115   0.076         0.022         0.249
#> 73  2028            Recruitment    0.221   0.136         0.041         0.488
#> 74  2028  Adult female survival    0.854   0.070         0.695         0.932
#> 75  2028 Female population size 1487.111 615.694       419.700      2727.800
#> 76  2029            Recruitment    0.206   0.124         0.063         0.481
#> 77  2029 Population growth rate    0.955   0.098         0.774         1.138
#> 78  2029 Female population size 1429.022 634.050       387.200      2578.100
#> 79  2029  Adult female survival    0.862   0.069         0.706         0.962
#> 80  2029   Adjusted recruitment    0.106   0.063         0.031         0.258
#> 81  2030            Recruitment    0.202   0.130         0.023         0.452
#> 82  2030 Population growth rate    0.932   0.111         0.687         1.119
#> 83  2030 Female population size 1368.200 646.273       371.800      2898.100
#> 84  2030  Adult female survival    0.843   0.079         0.654         0.958
#> 85  2030   Adjusted recruitment    0.106   0.073         0.012         0.237
#> 86  2031            Recruitment    0.196   0.124         0.054         0.458
#> 87  2031 Population growth rate    0.960   0.068         0.858         1.092
#> 88  2031 Female population size 1302.733 702.501       324.800      3088.200
#> 89  2031  Adult female survival    0.869   0.052         0.775         0.965
#> 90  2031   Adjusted recruitment    0.102   0.066         0.029         0.257
#> 91  2032 Female population size 1262.756 717.641       330.000      3026.400
#> 92  2032 Population growth rate    0.934   0.080         0.776         1.084
#> 93  2032   Adjusted recruitment    0.086   0.051         0.012         0.187
#> 94  2032            Recruitment    0.168   0.101         0.022         0.365
#> 95  2032  Adult female survival    0.858   0.062         0.753         0.971
#> 96  2033  Adult female survival    0.853   0.060         0.745         0.965
#> 97  2033 Population growth rate    0.936   0.084         0.807         1.078
#> 98  2033   Adjusted recruitment    0.095   0.072         0.013         0.295
#> 99  2033 Female population size 1177.600 659.420       330.500      2777.500
#> 100 2033            Recruitment    0.183   0.137         0.027         0.560
#>     probViable Anthro fire_excl_anthro   Total_dist iFire iAnthro
#> 1           NA      0     1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0
#> 2           NA      0     1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0
#> 3           NA      0     1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0
#> 4           NA      0     1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0
#> 5        0.511      0     1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0
#> 6        0.200      1     0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0
#> 7           NA      1     0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0
#> 8           NA      1     0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0
#> 9           NA      1     0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0
#> 10          NA      1     0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0
#> 11          NA      2     0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0
#> 12       1.000      2     0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0
#> 13          NA      2     0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0
#> 14          NA      2     0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0
#> 15          NA      2     0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0
#> 16          NA      3     0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0
#> 17       0.933      3     0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0
#> 18          NA      3     0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0
#> 19          NA      3     0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0
#> 20          NA      3     0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0
#> 21          NA      4     0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0
#> 22       0.356      4     0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0
#> 23          NA      4     0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0
#> 24          NA      4     0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0
#> 25          NA      4     0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0
#> 26          NA      5     1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0
#> 27       0.689      5     1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0
#> 28          NA      5     1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0
#> 29          NA      5     1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0
#> 30          NA      5     1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0
#> 31          NA      6     1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0
#> 32       0.956      6     1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0
#> 33          NA      6     1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0
#> 34          NA      6     1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0
#> 35          NA      6     1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0
#> 36          NA      7     7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0
#> 37          NA      7     7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0
#> 38       1.000      7     7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0
#> 39          NA      7     7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0
#> 40          NA      7     7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0
#> 41          NA      8     0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0
#> 42       0.222      8     0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0
#> 43          NA      8     0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0
#> 44          NA      8     0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0
#> 45          NA      8     0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0
#> 46          NA      9     8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0
#> 47       0.911      9     8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0
#> 48          NA      9     8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0
#> 49          NA      9     8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0
#> 50          NA      9     8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0
#> 51          NA     14     0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0
#> 52       0.467     14     0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0
#> 53          NA     14     0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0
#> 54          NA     14     0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0
#> 55          NA     14     0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0
#> 56          NA     19     1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0
#> 57       0.533     19     1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0
#> 58          NA     19     1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0
#> 59          NA     19     1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0
#> 60          NA     19     1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0
#> 61          NA     24     0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0
#> 62          NA     24     0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0
#> 63          NA     24     0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0
#> 64       0.556     24     0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0
#> 65          NA     24     0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0
#> 66          NA     29     1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0
#> 67          NA     29     1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0
#> 68          NA     29     1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0
#> 69          NA     29     1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0
#> 70       0.333     29     1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0
#> 71       0.356     34     3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0
#> 72          NA     34     3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0
#> 73          NA     34     3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0
#> 74          NA     34     3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0
#> 75          NA     34     3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0
#> 76          NA     39     0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0
#> 77       0.311     39     0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0
#> 78          NA     39     0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0
#> 79          NA     39     0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0
#> 80          NA     39     0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0
#> 81          NA     44     0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0
#> 82       0.311     44     0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0
#> 83          NA     44     0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0
#> 84          NA     44     0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0
#> 85          NA     44     0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0
#> 86          NA     49     6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0
#> 87       0.333     49     6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0
#> 88          NA     49     6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0
#> 89          NA     49     6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0
#> 90          NA     49     6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0
#> 91          NA     54     0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0
#> 92       0.267     54     0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0
#> 93          NA     54     0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0
#> 94          NA     54     0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0
#> 95          NA     54     0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0
#> 96          NA     59     0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0
#> 97       0.267     59     0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0
#> 98          NA     59     0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0
#> 99          NA     59     0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0
#> 100         NA     59     0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0
#>     obsAnthroSlope projAnthroSlope rSlopeMod sSlopeMod rQuantile sQuantile
#> 1                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 2                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 3                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 4                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 5                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 6                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 7                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 8                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 9                1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 10               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 11               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 12               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 13               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 14               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 15               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 16               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 17               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 18               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 19               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 20               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 21               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 22               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 23               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 24               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 25               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 26               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 27               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 28               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 29               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 30               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 31               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 32               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 33               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 34               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 35               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 36               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 37               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 38               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 39               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 40               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 41               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 42               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 43               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 44               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 45               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 46               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 47               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 48               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 49               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 50               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 51               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 52               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 53               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 54               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 55               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 56               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 57               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 58               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 59               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 60               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 61               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 62               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 63               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 64               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 65               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 66               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 67               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 68               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 69               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 70               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 71               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 72               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 73               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 74               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 75               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 76               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 77               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 78               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 79               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 80               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 81               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 82               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 83               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 84               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 85               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 86               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 87               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 88               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 89               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 90               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 91               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 92               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 93               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 94               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 95               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 96               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 97               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 98               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 99               1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#> 100              1               5         1         1       0.5       0.5
#>     projYears obsYears preYears   N0 adjustR assessmentYrs qMin qMax uMin uMax
#> 1          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 2          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 3          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 4          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 5          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 6          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 7          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 8          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 9          10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 10         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 11         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 12         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 13         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 14         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 15         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 16         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 17         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 18         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 19         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 20         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 21         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 22         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 23         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 24         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 25         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 26         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 27         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 28         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 29         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 30         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 31         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 32         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 33         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 34         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 35         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 36         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 37         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 38         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 39         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 40         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 41         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 42         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 43         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 44         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 45         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 46         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 47         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 48         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 49         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 50         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 51         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 52         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 53         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 54         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 55         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 56         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 57         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 58         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 59         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 60         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 61         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 62         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 63         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 64         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 65         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 66         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 67         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 68         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 69         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 70         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 71         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 72         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 73         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 74         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 75         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 76         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 77         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 78         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 79         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 80         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 81         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 82         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 83         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 84         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 85         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 86         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 87         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 88         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 89         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 90         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 91         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 92         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 93         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 94         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 95         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 96         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 97         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 98         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 99         10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#> 100        10       10        0 1000    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2
#>     zMin zMax cowMult collarCount   interannualVar curYear ID
#> 1      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 2      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 3      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 4      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 5      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 6      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 7      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 8      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 9      0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 10     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 11     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 12     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 13     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 14     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 15     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 16     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 17     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 18     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 19     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 20     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 21     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 22     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 23     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 24     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 25     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 26     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 27     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 28     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 29     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 30     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 31     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 32     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 33     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 34     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 35     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 36     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 37     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 38     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 39     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 40     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 41     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 42     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 43     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 44     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 45     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 46     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 47     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 48     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 49     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 50     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 51     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 52     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 53     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 54     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 55     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 56     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 57     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 58     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 59     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 60     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 61     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 62     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 63     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 64     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 65     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 66     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 67     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 68     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 69     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 70     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 71     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 72     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 73     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 74     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 75     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 76     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 77     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 78     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 79     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 80     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 81     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 82     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 83     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 84     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 85     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 86     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 87     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 88     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 89     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 90     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 91     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 92     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 93     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 94     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 95     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 96     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 97     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 98     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 99     0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 100    0  0.2       5          20 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     label
#> 1   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 2   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 3   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 4   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 5   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 6   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 7   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 8   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 9   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 10  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 11  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 12  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 13  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 14  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 15  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 16  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 17  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 18  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 19  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 20  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 21  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 22  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 23  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 24  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 25  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 26  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 27  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 28  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 29  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 30  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 31  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 32  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 33  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 34  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 35  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 36  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 37  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 38  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 39  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 40  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 41  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 42  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 43  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 44  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 45  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 46  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 47  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 48  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 49  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 50  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 51  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 52  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 53  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 54  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 55  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 56  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 57  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 58  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 59  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 60  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 61  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 62  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 63  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 64  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 65  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 66  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 67  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 68  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 69  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 70  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 71  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 72  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 73  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 74  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 75  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 76  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 77  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 78  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 79  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 80  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 81  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 82  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 83  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 84  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 85  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 86  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 87  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 88  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 89  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 90  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 91  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 92  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 93  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 94  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 95  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 96  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 97  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 98  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 99  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 100 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#>     startYear
#> 1        2014
#> 2        2014
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#> 100      2014
#> $sim.all
#>     Anthro         Mean Lower 95% CRI Upper 95% CRI              parameter Year
#> 1        0 1.470934e-01  4.177763e-02     0.2783019   Adjusted recruitment 2014
#> 2        0 3.410655e-01  8.807239e-02     0.7269134            Recruitment 2014
#> 3        0 1.044531e+03  6.379500e+02  1597.3250000 Female population size 2014
#> 4        0 1.011500e+00  8.652297e-01     1.1734681 Population growth rate 2014
#> 5        0 8.816531e-01  6.894357e-01     0.9980489  Adult female survival 2014
#> 6        1 1.018208e+03  5.988000e+02  1516.1000000 Female population size 2015
#> 7        1 8.773442e-01  6.952186e-01     0.9981579  Adult female survival 2015
#> 8        1 1.003096e+00  8.445662e-01     1.1509435 Population growth rate 2015
#> 9        1 1.439363e-01  3.802904e-02     0.2726757   Adjusted recruitment 2015
#> 10       1 3.337826e-01  7.272499e-02     0.7111799            Recruitment 2015
#> 11       2 8.743194e-01  6.774583e-01     0.9976406  Adult female survival 2016
#> 12       2 1.002807e+00  8.420080e-01     1.1586346 Population growth rate 2016
#> 13       2 3.359116e-01  8.482379e-02     0.7311966            Recruitment 2016
#> 14       2 1.450396e-01  4.249890e-02     0.2792736   Adjusted recruitment 2016
#> 15       2 1.019414e+03  5.859500e+02  1551.0250000 Female population size 2016
#> 16       3 1.422054e-01  3.894201e-02     0.2815702   Adjusted recruitment 2017
#> 17       3 3.274454e-01  7.695832e-02     0.7226990            Recruitment 2017
#> 18       3 9.973977e-01  8.334131e-01     1.1402924 Population growth rate 2017
#> 19       3 8.733317e-01  6.863722e-01     0.9951115  Adult female survival 2017
#> 20       3 1.002264e+03  5.718750e+02  1478.0500000 Female population size 2017
#> 21       4 9.981357e-01  8.333811e-01     1.1506027 Population growth rate 2018
#> 22       4 1.384893e-01  3.712970e-02     0.2771097   Adjusted recruitment 2018
#> 23       4 1.004661e+03  5.719750e+02  1515.0750000 Female population size 2018
#> 24       4 3.186077e-01  7.453781e-02     0.7221191            Recruitment 2018
#> 25       4 8.748770e-01  6.862972e-01     0.9968600  Adult female survival 2018
#> 26       5 9.922968e-01  8.385286e-01     1.1400302 Population growth rate 2019
#> 27       5 8.722571e-01  6.858483e-01     0.9973617  Adult female survival 2019
#> 28       5 9.857680e+02  5.820000e+02  1474.0500000 Female population size 2019
#> 29       5 1.372425e-01  3.568765e-02     0.2741944   Adjusted recruitment 2019
#> 30       5 3.155285e-01  6.994983e-02     0.7042340            Recruitment 2019
#> 31       6 3.164324e-01  7.544826e-02     0.7191472            Recruitment 2020
#> 32       6 9.887410e+02  5.820000e+02  1519.2000000 Female population size 2020
#> 33       6 8.743292e-01  6.732334e-01     0.9966861  Adult female survival 2020
#> 34       6 9.928334e-01  8.376161e-01     1.1504444 Population growth rate 2020
#> 35       6 1.377737e-01  3.650681e-02     0.2696565   Adjusted recruitment 2020
#> 36       7 8.677064e-01  6.803893e-01     0.9961010  Adult female survival 2021
#> 37       7 9.703240e+02  5.589750e+02  1448.2250000 Female population size 2021
#> 38       7 3.170519e-01  8.176633e-02     0.7245566            Recruitment 2021
#> 39       7 9.867250e-01  8.306317e-01     1.1339386 Population growth rate 2021
#> 40       7 1.378408e-01  3.868499e-02     0.2744213   Adjusted recruitment 2021
#> 41       8 1.348610e-01  3.315495e-02     0.2682923   Adjusted recruitment 2022
#> 42       8 3.082917e-01  6.724434e-02     0.6992525            Recruitment 2022
#> 43       8 8.681879e-01  6.675413e-01     0.9954926  Adult female survival 2022
#> 44       8 9.848167e-01  8.378735e-01     1.1393788 Population growth rate 2022
#> 45       8 9.637340e+02  5.799000e+02  1466.0250000 Female population size 2022
#> 46       9 9.582850e+02  5.629500e+02  1422.0750000 Female population size 2023
#> 47       9 9.828769e-01  8.273286e-01     1.1250041 Population growth rate 2023
#> 48       9 2.915665e-01  6.442436e-02     0.6898588            Recruitment 2023
#> 49       9 8.670467e-01  6.774350e-01     0.9961974  Adult female survival 2023
#> 50       9 1.280845e-01  3.450844e-02     0.2701696   Adjusted recruitment 2023
#> 51      14 2.771404e-01  6.211868e-02     0.6481399            Recruitment 2024
#> 52      14 9.756594e-01  8.131459e-01     1.1350038 Population growth rate 2024
#> 53      14 9.393930e+02  5.279750e+02  1456.1000000 Female population size 2024
#> 54      14 8.684358e-01  6.789832e-01     0.9968411  Adult female survival 2024
#> 55      14 1.227815e-01  3.125636e-02     0.2566772   Adjusted recruitment 2024
#> 56      19 8.598372e-01  6.839851e-01     0.9932148  Adult female survival 2025
#> 57      19 9.596261e-01  8.044966e-01     1.1192826 Population growth rate 2025
#> 58      19 2.511901e-01  5.458983e-02     0.6094888            Recruitment 2025
#> 59      19 1.127467e-01  2.765679e-02     0.2487573   Adjusted recruitment 2025
#> 60      19 8.944300e+02  5.149750e+02  1393.0500000 Female population size 2025
#> 61      24 9.510410e-01  8.068093e-01     1.1043581 Population growth rate 2026
#> 62      24 8.695120e+02  5.189750e+02  1344.0750000 Female population size 2026
#> 63      24 1.028145e-01  2.232467e-02     0.2346288   Adjusted recruitment 2026
#> 64      24 8.611412e-01  6.843345e-01     0.9865836  Adult female survival 2026
#> 65      24 2.267546e-01  4.607279e-02     0.5759622            Recruitment 2026
#> 66      29 9.423574e-01  7.958643e-01     1.0858520 Population growth rate 2027
#> 67      29 8.459800e+02  4.989250e+02  1270.1000000 Female population size 2027
#> 68      29 8.589680e-01  6.723941e-01     0.9897720  Adult female survival 2027
#> 69      29 2.168930e-01  3.595610e-02     0.5564887            Recruitment 2027
#> 70      29 9.853381e-02  1.823453e-02     0.2302886   Adjusted recruitment 2027
#> 71      34 8.539170e-01  6.731904e-01     0.9912918  Adult female survival 2028
#> 72      34 9.379318e-01  7.885143e-01     1.0820795 Population growth rate 2028
#> 73      34 8.340920e+02  4.869250e+02  1259.0500000 Female population size 2028
#> 74      34 9.737105e-02  2.157709e-02     0.2223265   Adjusted recruitment 2028
#> 75      34 2.130017e-01  4.208057e-02     0.5417648            Recruitment 2028
#> 76      39 8.406343e-02  1.527985e-02     0.2079935   Adjusted recruitment 2029
#> 77      39 1.817376e-01  3.110490e-02     0.4757081            Recruitment 2029
#> 78      39 8.462359e-01  6.721332e-01     0.9887416  Adult female survival 2029
#> 79      39 9.201753e-01  7.705203e-01     1.0597631 Population growth rate 2029
#> 80      39 7.877450e+02  4.519750e+02  1185.1000000 Female population size 2029
#> 81      44 1.669634e-01  2.494665e-02     0.4433665            Recruitment 2030
#> 82      44 7.805054e-02  1.254474e-02     0.1977444   Adjusted recruitment 2030
#> 83      44 7.755180e+02  4.430000e+02  1195.0750000 Female population size 2030
#> 84      44 8.481969e-01  6.694672e-01     0.9865225  Adult female survival 2030
#> 85      44 9.147742e-01  7.654968e-01     1.0631785 Population growth rate 2030
#> 86      49 1.615890e-01  2.185312e-02     0.4812151            Recruitment 2031
#> 87      49 7.582060e+02  4.469250e+02  1172.0250000 Female population size 2031
#> 88      49 8.467795e-01  6.696288e-01     0.9863655  Adult female survival 2031
#> 89      49 7.545513e-02  1.151822e-02     0.2015354   Adjusted recruitment 2031
#> 90      49 9.082287e-01  7.661652e-01     1.0555778 Population growth rate 2031
#> 91      54 1.398822e-01  2.076394e-02     0.4081063            Recruitment 2032
#> 92      54 7.231800e+02  4.149750e+02  1102.0250000 Female population size 2032
#> 93      54 8.395055e-01  6.612385e-01     0.9837798  Adult female survival 2032
#> 94      54 6.631223e-02  1.080528e-02     0.1792646   Adjusted recruitment 2032
#> 95      54 8.940276e-01  7.476638e-01     1.0348085 Population growth rate 2032
#> 96      59 1.378301e-01  1.626924e-02     0.4376404            Recruitment 2033
#> 97      59 7.151360e+02  4.220000e+02  1114.0000000 Female population size 2033
#> 98      59 8.371600e-01  6.629484e-01     0.9839128  Adult female survival 2033
#> 99      59 6.494567e-02  7.959549e-03     0.1849831   Adjusted recruitment 2033
#> 100     59 8.910856e-01  7.533659e-01     1.0367585 Population growth rate 2033
#>     fire_excl_anthro   Total_dist iFire iAnthro obsAnthroSlope projAnthroSlope
#> 1       1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5
#> 2       1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5
#> 3       1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5
#> 4       1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5
#> 5       1.477230e-06 1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5
#> 6       0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 7       0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 8       0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 9       0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 10      0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 11      0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 12      0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 13      0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 14      0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 15      0.000000e+00 2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 16      0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 17      0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 18      0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 19      0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 20      0.000000e+00 3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 21      0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 22      0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 23      0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 24      0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 25      0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 26      1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 27      1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 28      1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 29      1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 30      1.451799e-05 5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 31      1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 32      1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 33      1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 34      1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 35      1.188866e-04 6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 36      7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 37      7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 38      7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 39      7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 40      7.031704e-05 7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 41      0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 42      0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 43      0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 44      0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 45      0.000000e+00 8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 46      8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 47      8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 48      8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 49      8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 50      8.861514e-05 9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5
#> 51      0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 52      0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 53      0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 54      0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 55      0.000000e+00 1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 56      1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 57      1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 58      1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 59      1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 60      1.509949e-04 1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 61      0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 62      0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 63      0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 64      0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 65      0.000000e+00 2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 66      1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 67      1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 68      1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 69      1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 70      1.529326e-05 2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 71      3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 72      3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 73      3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 74      3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 75      3.939196e-05 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 76      0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 77      0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 78      0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 79      0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 80      0.000000e+00 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 81      0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 82      0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 83      0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 84      0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 85      0.000000e+00 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 86      6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 87      6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 88      6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 89      6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 90      6.207464e-06 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 91      0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 92      0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 93      0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 94      0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 95      0.000000e+00 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 96      0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 97      0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 98      0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 99      0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#> 100     0.000000e+00 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5
#>     rSlopeMod sSlopeMod rQuantile sQuantile projYears obsYears preYears   N0
#> 1           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 2           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 3           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 4           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 5           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 6           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 7           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 8           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 9           1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 10          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 11          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 12          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 13          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 14          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 15          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 16          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 17          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 18          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 19          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 20          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 21          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 22          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 23          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 24          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 25          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 26          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 27          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 28          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 29          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 30          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 31          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 32          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 33          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 34          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 35          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 36          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 37          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 38          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 39          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 40          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 41          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 42          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 43          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 44          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 45          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 46          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 47          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 48          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 49          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 50          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 51          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 52          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 53          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 54          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 55          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 56          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 57          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 58          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 59          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 60          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 61          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 62          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 63          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 64          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 65          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 66          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 67          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 68          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 69          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 70          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 71          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 72          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 73          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 74          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 75          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 76          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 77          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 78          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 79          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 80          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 81          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 82          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 83          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 84          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 85          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 86          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 87          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 88          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 89          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 90          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 91          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 92          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 93          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 94          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 95          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 96          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 97          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 98          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 99          1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#> 100         1         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000
#>     adjustR assessmentYrs qMin qMax uMin uMax zMin zMax cowMult collarCount
#> 1      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 2      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 3      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 4      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 5      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 6      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 7      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 8      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 9      TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 10     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 11     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 12     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 13     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 14     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 15     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 16     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 17     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 18     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 19     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 20     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 21     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 22     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 23     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 24     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 25     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 26     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 27     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 28     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 29     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 30     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 31     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 32     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 33     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 34     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 35     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 36     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 37     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 38     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 39     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 40     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 41     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 42     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 43     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 44     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 45     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 46     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 47     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 48     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 49     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 50     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 51     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 52     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 53     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 54     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 55     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 56     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 57     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 58     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 59     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 60     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 61     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 62     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 63     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 64     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 65     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 66     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 67     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 68     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 69     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 70     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 71     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 72     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 73     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 74     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 75     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 76     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 77     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 78     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 79     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 80     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 81     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 82     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 83     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 84     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 85     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 86     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 87     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 88     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 89     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 90     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 91     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 92     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 93     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 94     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 95     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 96     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 97     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 98     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 99     TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 100    TRUE             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#>       interannualVar curYear ID
#> 1   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 2   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 3   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 4   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 5   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 6   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 7   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 8   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 9   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 10  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 11  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 12  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 13  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 14  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 15  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 16  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 17  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 18  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 19  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 20  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 21  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 22  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 23  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 24  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 25  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 26  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 27  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 28  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 29  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 30  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 31  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 32  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 33  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 34  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 35  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 36  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 37  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 38  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 39  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 40  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 41  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 42  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 43  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 44  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 45  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 46  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 47  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 48  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 49  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 50  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 51  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 52  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 53  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 54  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 55  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 56  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 57  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 58  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 59  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 60  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 61  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 62  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 63  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 64  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 65  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 66  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 67  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 68  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 69  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 70  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 71  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 72  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 73  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 74  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 75  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 76  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 77  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 78  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 79  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 80  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 81  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 82  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 83  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 84  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 85  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 86  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 87  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 88  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 89  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 90  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 91  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 92  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 93  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 94  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 95  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 96  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 97  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 98  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 99  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 100 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     label
#> 1   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 2   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 3   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 4   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 5   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 6   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 7   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 8   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 9   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 10  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 11  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 12  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 13  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 14  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 15  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 16  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 17  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 18  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 19  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 20  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 21  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 22  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 23  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 24  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 25  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 26  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 27  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 28  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 29  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 30  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 31  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 32  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 33  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 34  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 35  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 36  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 37  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 38  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 39  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 40  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 41  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 42  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 43  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 44  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 45  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 46  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 47  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 48  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 49  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 50  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 51  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 52  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 53  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 54  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 55  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 56  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 57  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 58  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 59  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 60  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 61  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 62  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 63  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 64  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 65  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 66  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 67  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 68  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 69  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 70  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 71  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 72  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 73  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 74  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 75  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 76  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 77  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 78  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 79  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 80  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 81  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 82  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 83  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 84  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 85  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 86  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 87  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 88  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 89  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 90  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 91  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 92  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 93  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 94  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 95  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 96  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 97  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 98  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 99  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 100 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#>     startYear
#> 1        2014
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#> $obs.all
#>     Year         Mean              parameter     type Anthro fire_excl_anthro
#> 1   2014 2.600000e-01            Recruitment observed      0     1.477230e-06
#> 2   2014 1.169407e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true      0     1.477230e-06
#> 3   2014 8.941173e-01  Adult female survival     true      0     1.477230e-06
#> 4   2014           NA  Adult female survival observed      0     1.477230e-06
#> 5   2014 1.008000e+00 Population growth rate     true      0     1.477230e-06
#> 6   2014 2.724992e-01            Recruitment     true      0     1.477230e-06
#> 7   2015 8.819444e-01 Population growth rate     true      1     0.000000e+00
#> 8   2015 8.395394e-01  Adult female survival     true      1     0.000000e+00
#> 9   2015 8.888889e-01  Adult female survival observed      1     0.000000e+00
#> 10  2015 1.008000e+03 Female population size     true      1     0.000000e+00
#> 11  2015 7.000000e-02            Recruitment observed      1     0.000000e+00
#> 12  2015 6.312558e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true      1     0.000000e+00
#> 13  2015 1.386479e-01            Recruitment     true      1     0.000000e+00
#> 14  2016 9.444444e-01  Adult female survival observed      2     0.000000e+00
#> 15  2016 8.890000e+02 Female population size     true      2     0.000000e+00
#> 16  2016 9.996853e-01 Population growth rate     true      2     0.000000e+00
#> 17  2016 9.313193e-01  Adult female survival     true      2     0.000000e+00
#> 18  2016 4.915013e-01            Recruitment     true      2     0.000000e+00
#> 19  2016 1.928034e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true      2     0.000000e+00
#> 20  2016 5.157895e-01            Recruitment observed      2     0.000000e+00
#> 21  2017 7.460962e-01  Adult female survival     true      3     0.000000e+00
#> 22  2017 9.860000e+02 Female population size     true      3     0.000000e+00
#> 23  2017 1.812691e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true      3     0.000000e+00
#> 24  2017 8.947368e-01  Adult female survival observed      3     0.000000e+00
#> 25  2017 4.555877e-01            Recruitment     true      3     0.000000e+00
#> 26  2017 5.000000e-01            Recruitment observed      3     0.000000e+00
#> 27  2017 9.567887e-01 Population growth rate     true      3     0.000000e+00
#> 28  2018 5.666737e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true      4     0.000000e+00
#> 29  2018 5.000000e-01  Adult female survival observed      4     0.000000e+00
#> 30  2018 8.670000e+02 Female population size     true      4     0.000000e+00
#> 31  2018 1.333333e-01            Recruitment observed      4     0.000000e+00
#> 32  2018 7.910264e-01  Adult female survival     true      4     0.000000e+00
#> 33  2018 1.236111e-01            Recruitment     true      4     0.000000e+00
#> 34  2018 9.450064e-01 Population growth rate     true      4     0.000000e+00
#> 35  2019 8.125000e-01  Adult female survival observed      5     1.451799e-05
#> 36  2019 3.100000e-01            Recruitment observed      5     1.451799e-05
#> 37  2019 1.206550e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true      5     1.451799e-05
#> 38  2019 8.023490e-01  Adult female survival     true      5     1.451799e-05
#> 39  2019 7.340000e+02 Female population size     true      5     1.451799e-05
#> 40  2019 8.795714e-01 Population growth rate     true      5     1.451799e-05
#> 41  2019 2.823420e-01            Recruitment     true      5     1.451799e-05
#> 42  2020 9.720401e-01 Population growth rate     true      6     1.188866e-04
#> 43  2020 8.000000e-01  Adult female survival observed      6     1.188866e-04
#> 44  2020 6.700000e+02 Female population size     true      6     1.188866e-04
#> 45  2020 5.263158e-01            Recruitment observed      6     1.188866e-04
#> 46  2020 2.053067e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true      6     1.188866e-04
#> 47  2020 9.451029e-01  Adult female survival     true      6     1.188866e-04
#> 48  2020 5.316098e-01            Recruitment     true      6     1.188866e-04
#> 49  2021 9.375000e-01  Adult female survival observed      7     7.031704e-05
#> 50  2021 7.650665e-01  Adult female survival     true      7     7.031704e-05
#> 51  2021 7.750000e+02 Female population size     true      7     7.031704e-05
#> 52  2021 9.861851e-01 Population growth rate     true      7     7.031704e-05
#> 53  2021 5.283177e-01            Recruitment     true      7     7.031704e-05
#> 54  2021 6.444444e-01            Recruitment observed      7     7.031704e-05
#> 55  2021 2.042951e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true      7     7.031704e-05
#> 56  2022 7.967680e-01  Adult female survival     true      8     0.000000e+00
#> 57  2022 7.500000e-01  Adult female survival observed      8     0.000000e+00
#> 58  2022 7.090990e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true      8     0.000000e+00
#> 59  2022 1.570502e-01            Recruitment     true      8     0.000000e+00
#> 60  2022 6.890000e+02 Female population size     true      8     0.000000e+00
#> 61  2022 9.509051e-01 Population growth rate     true      8     0.000000e+00
#> 62  2022 1.647059e-01            Recruitment observed      8     0.000000e+00
#> 63  2023 9.273789e-01  Adult female survival     true      9     8.861514e-05
#> 64  2023 9.375000e-01  Adult female survival observed      9     8.861514e-05
#> 65  2023 5.560000e+02 Female population size     true      9     8.861514e-05
#> 66  2023 1.198039e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true      9     8.861514e-05
#> 67  2023 2.800793e-01            Recruitment     true      9     8.861514e-05
#> 68  2023 3.250000e-01            Recruitment observed      9     8.861514e-05
#> 69  2023 9.088581e-01 Population growth rate     true      9     8.861514e-05
#> 70  2024 5.730000e+02 Female population size     true     14     0.000000e+00
#> 71  2024 8.076151e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true     14     0.000000e+00
#> 72  2024 1.807863e-01            Recruitment     true     14     0.000000e+00
#> 73  2024           NA            Recruitment observed     14     0.000000e+00
#> 74  2024           NA  Adult female survival observed     14     0.000000e+00
#> 75  2024 9.324675e-01 Population growth rate     true     14     0.000000e+00
#> 76  2024 8.906339e-01  Adult female survival     true     14     0.000000e+00
#> 77  2025           NA  Adult female survival observed     19     1.509949e-04
#> 78  2025 6.355697e-01  Adult female survival     true     19     1.509949e-04
#> 79  2025 5.500000e+02 Female population size     true     19     1.509949e-04
#> 80  2025           NA            Recruitment observed     19     1.509949e-04
#> 81  2025 1.353889e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true     19     1.509949e-04
#> 82  2025 3.222192e-01            Recruitment     true     19     1.509949e-04
#> 83  2025 9.168120e-01 Population growth rate     true     19     1.509949e-04
#> 84  2026           NA  Adult female survival observed     24     0.000000e+00
#> 85  2026 8.461680e-01  Adult female survival     true     24     0.000000e+00
#> 86  2026 9.018354e-01 Population growth rate     true     24     0.000000e+00
#> 87  2026 1.724113e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true     24     0.000000e+00
#> 88  2026 4.286872e-01            Recruitment     true     24     0.000000e+00
#> 89  2026 4.180000e+02 Female population size     true     24     0.000000e+00
#> 90  2026           NA            Recruitment observed     24     0.000000e+00
#> 91  2027           NA  Adult female survival observed     29     1.529326e-05
#> 92  2027           NA            Recruitment observed     29     1.529326e-05
#> 93  2027 1.190122e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true     29     1.529326e-05
#> 94  2027 9.434481e-01  Adult female survival     true     29     1.529326e-05
#> 95  2027 4.120000e+02 Female population size     true     29     1.529326e-05
#> 96  2027 9.386781e-01 Population growth rate     true     29     1.529326e-05
#> 97  2027 2.779783e-01            Recruitment     true     29     1.529326e-05
#> 98  2028 9.823969e-01 Population growth rate     true     34     3.939196e-05
#> 99  2028 8.113065e-01  Adult female survival     true     34     3.939196e-05
#> 100 2028           NA  Adult female survival observed     34     3.939196e-05
#> 101 2028 4.410000e+02 Female population size     true     34     3.939196e-05
#> 102 2028           NA            Recruitment observed     34     3.939196e-05
#> 103 2028 8.421027e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true     34     3.939196e-05
#> 104 2028 1.892163e-01            Recruitment     true     34     3.939196e-05
#> 105 2029           NA  Adult female survival observed     39     0.000000e+00
#> 106 2029 3.930000e+02 Female population size     true     39     0.000000e+00
#> 107 2029 1.005841e+00 Population growth rate     true     39     0.000000e+00
#> 108 2029 9.509235e-01  Adult female survival     true     39     0.000000e+00
#> 109 2029 2.584748e-01            Recruitment     true     39     0.000000e+00
#> 110 2029 1.115939e-01   Adjusted recruitment     true     39     0.000000e+00
#> 111 2029           NA            Recruitment observed     39     0.000000e+00
#> 112 2030 8.538945e-01  Adult female survival     true     44     0.000000e+00
#> 113 2030 4.150000e+02 Female population size     true     44     0.000000e+00
#> 114 2030 7.662043e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true     44     0.000000e+00
#> 115 2030           NA  Adult female survival observed     44     0.000000e+00
#> 116 2030 1.707472e-01            Recruitment     true     44     0.000000e+00
#> 117 2030           NA            Recruitment observed     44     0.000000e+00
#> 118 2030 9.518566e-01 Population growth rate     true     44     0.000000e+00
#> 119 2031 4.966121e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true     49     6.207464e-06
#> 120 2031           NA  Adult female survival observed     49     6.207464e-06
#> 121 2031 3.770000e+02 Female population size     true     49     6.207464e-06
#> 122 2031           NA            Recruitment observed     49     6.207464e-06
#> 123 2031 9.774466e-01  Adult female survival     true     49     6.207464e-06
#> 124 2031 1.075296e-01            Recruitment     true     49     6.207464e-06
#> 125 2031 9.934428e-01 Population growth rate     true     49     6.207464e-06
#> 126 2032           NA  Adult female survival observed     54     0.000000e+00
#> 127 2032           NA            Recruitment observed     54     0.000000e+00
#> 128 2032 9.537331e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true     54     0.000000e+00
#> 129 2032 9.769512e-01  Adult female survival     true     54     0.000000e+00
#> 130 2032 3.830000e+02 Female population size     true     54     0.000000e+00
#> 131 2032 9.948004e-01 Population growth rate     true     54     0.000000e+00
#> 132 2032 2.169436e-01            Recruitment     true     54     0.000000e+00
#> 133 2033           NA  Adult female survival observed     59     0.000000e+00
#> 134 2033 1.398666e-01            Recruitment     true     59     0.000000e+00
#> 135 2033 4.060000e+02 Female population size     true     59     0.000000e+00
#> 136 2033 9.875556e-01 Population growth rate     true     59     0.000000e+00
#> 137 2033           NA            Recruitment observed     59     0.000000e+00
#> 138 2033 6.364511e-02   Adjusted recruitment     true     59     0.000000e+00
#> 139 2033 8.514831e-01  Adult female survival     true     59     0.000000e+00
#>       Total_dist iFire iAnthro obsAnthroSlope projAnthroSlope rSlopeMod
#> 1   1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5         1
#> 2   1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5         1
#> 3   1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5         1
#> 4   1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5         1
#> 5   1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5         1
#> 6   1.477230e-06     0       0              1               5         1
#> 7   1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 8   1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 9   1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 10  1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 11  1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 12  1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 13  1.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 14  2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 15  2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 16  2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 17  2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 18  2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 19  2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 20  2.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 21  3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 22  3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 23  3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 24  3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 25  3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 26  3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 27  3.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 28  4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 29  4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 30  4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 31  4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 32  4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 33  4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 34  4.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 35  5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 36  5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 37  5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 38  5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 39  5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 40  5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 41  5.000015e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 42  6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 43  6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 44  6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 45  6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 46  6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 47  6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 48  6.000119e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 49  7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 50  7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 51  7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 52  7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 53  7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 54  7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 55  7.000070e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 56  8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 57  8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 58  8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 59  8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 60  8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 61  8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 62  8.000000e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 63  9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 64  9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 65  9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 66  9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 67  9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 68  9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 69  9.000089e+00     0       0              1               5         1
#> 70  1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 71  1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 72  1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 73  1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 74  1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 75  1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 76  1.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 77  1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 78  1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 79  1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 80  1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 81  1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 82  1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 83  1.900015e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 84  2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 85  2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 86  2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 87  2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 88  2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 89  2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 90  2.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 91  2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 92  2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 93  2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 94  2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 95  2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 96  2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 97  2.900002e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 98  3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 99  3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 100 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 101 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 102 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 103 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 104 3.400004e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 105 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 106 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 107 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 108 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 109 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 110 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 111 3.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 112 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 113 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 114 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 115 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 116 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 117 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 118 4.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 119 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 120 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 121 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 122 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 123 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 124 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 125 4.900001e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 126 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 127 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 128 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 129 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 130 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 131 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 132 5.400000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 133 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 134 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 135 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 136 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 137 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 138 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#> 139 5.900000e+01     0       0              1               5         1
#>     sSlopeMod rQuantile sQuantile projYears obsYears preYears   N0 adjustR
#> 1           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 2           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 3           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 4           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 5           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 6           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 7           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 8           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 9           1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 10          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 11          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 12          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 13          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 14          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 15          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 16          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 17          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 18          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 19          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 20          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 21          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 22          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 23          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 24          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 25          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 26          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 27          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 28          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 29          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 30          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 31          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 32          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 33          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 34          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 35          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 36          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 37          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 38          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 39          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 40          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 41          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 42          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 43          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 44          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 45          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 46          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 47          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 48          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 49          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 50          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 51          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 52          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 53          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 54          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 55          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 56          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 57          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 58          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 59          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 60          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 61          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 62          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 63          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 64          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 65          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 66          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 67          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 68          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 69          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 70          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 71          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 72          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 73          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 74          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 75          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 76          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 77          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 78          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 79          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 80          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 81          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 82          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 83          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 84          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 85          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 86          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 87          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 88          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 89          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 90          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 91          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 92          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 93          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 94          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 95          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 96          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 97          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 98          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 99          1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 100         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 101         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 102         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 103         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 104         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 105         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 106         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 107         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 108         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 109         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 110         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 111         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 112         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 113         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 114         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 115         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 116         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 117         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 118         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 119         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 120         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 121         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 122         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 123         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 124         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 125         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 126         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 127         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 128         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 129         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 130         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 131         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 132         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 133         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 134         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 135         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 136         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 137         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 138         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#> 139         1       0.5       0.5        10       10        0 1000    TRUE
#>     assessmentYrs qMin qMax uMin uMax zMin zMax cowMult collarCount
#> 1               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 2               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 3               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 4               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 5               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 6               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 7               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 8               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 9               3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 10              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 11              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 12              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 13              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 14              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 15              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 16              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 17              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 18              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 19              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 20              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 21              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 22              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 23              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 24              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 25              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 26              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 27              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 28              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 29              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 30              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 31              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 32              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 33              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 34              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 35              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 36              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 37              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 38              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 39              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 40              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 41              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 42              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 43              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 44              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 45              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 46              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 47              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 48              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 49              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 50              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 51              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 52              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 53              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 54              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 55              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 56              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 57              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 58              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 59              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 60              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 61              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 62              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 63              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 64              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 65              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 66              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 67              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 68              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 69              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 70              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 71              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 72              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 73              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 74              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 75              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 76              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 77              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 78              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 79              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 80              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 81              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 82              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 83              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 84              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 85              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 86              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 87              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 88              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 89              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 90              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 91              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 92              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 93              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 94              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 95              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 96              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 97              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 98              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 99              3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 100             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 101             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 102             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 103             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 104             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 105             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 106             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 107             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 108             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 109             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 110             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 111             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 112             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 113             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 114             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 115             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 116             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 117             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 118             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 119             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 120             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 121             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 122             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 123             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 124             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 125             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 126             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 127             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 128             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 129             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 130             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 131             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 132             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 133             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 134             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 135             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 136             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 137             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 138             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#> 139             3    0  0.6    0  0.2    0  0.2       5          20
#>       interannualVar curYear ID
#> 1   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 2   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 3   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 4   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 5   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 6   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 7   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 8   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 9   0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 10  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 11  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 12  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 13  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 14  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 15  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 16  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 17  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 18  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 19  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 20  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 21  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 22  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 23  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 24  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 25  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 26  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 27  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 28  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 29  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 30  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 31  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 32  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 33  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 34  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 35  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 36  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 37  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 38  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 39  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 40  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 41  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 42  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 43  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 44  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 45  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 46  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 47  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 48  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 49  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 50  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 51  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 52  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 53  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 54  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 55  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 56  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 57  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 58  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 59  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 60  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 61  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 62  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 63  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 64  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 65  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 66  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 67  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 68  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 69  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 70  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 71  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 72  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 73  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 74  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 75  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 76  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 77  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 78  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 79  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 80  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 81  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 82  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 83  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 84  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 85  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 86  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 87  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 88  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 89  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 90  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 91  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 92  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 93  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 94  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 95  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 96  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 97  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 98  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 99  0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 100 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 101 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 102 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 103 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 104 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 105 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 106 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 107 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 108 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 109 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 110 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 111 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 112 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 113 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 114 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 115 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 116 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 117 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 118 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 119 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 120 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 121 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 122 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 123 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 124 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 125 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 126 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 127 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 128 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 129 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 130 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 131 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 132 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 133 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 134 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 135 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 136 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 137 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 138 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#> 139 0.46000, 0.08696    2023  1
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     label
#> 1   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 2   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 3   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 4   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 5   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 6   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 7   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 8   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 9   ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 10  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 11  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 12  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 13  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 14  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 15  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 16  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 17  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 18  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 19  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 20  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 21  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 22  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 23  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 24  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 25  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 26  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 27  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 28  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 29  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 30  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 31  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 32  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 33  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 34  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 35  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 36  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 37  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 38  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 39  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 40  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 41  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 42  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 43  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 44  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 45  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 46  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 47  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 48  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 49  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 50  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 51  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 52  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 53  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 54  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 55  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 56  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 57  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 58  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 59  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 60  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 61  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 62  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 63  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 64  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 65  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 66  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 67  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 68  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 69  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 70  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 71  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 72  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 73  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 74  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 75  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 76  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 77  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 78  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 79  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 80  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 81  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 82  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 83  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 84  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 85  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 86  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 87  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 88  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 89  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 90  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 91  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 92  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 93  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 94  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 95  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 96  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 97  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 98  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 99  ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 100 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 101 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 102 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 103 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 104 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 105 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 106 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 107 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 108 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 109 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 110 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 111 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 112 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 113 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 114 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 115 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 116 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 117 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 118 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 119 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 120 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 121 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 122 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 123 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 124 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 125 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 126 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 127 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 128 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 129 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 130 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 131 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 132 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 133 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 134 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 135 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 136 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 137 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 138 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#> 139 ID1_curYear2023_interannualVarlist(R_CV = 0.46, S_CV = 0.08696)_collarCount20_cowMult5_zMax0.2_zMin0_uMax0.2_uMin0_qMax0.6_qMin0_assessmentYrs3_adjustRTRUE_N01000_preYears0_obsYears10_projYears10_sQuantile0.5_rQuantile0.5_sSlopeMod1_rSlopeMod1_projAnthroSlope5_obsAnthroSlope1_iAnthro0_iFire0_
#>     startYear
#> 1        2014
#> 2        2014
#> 3        2014
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#> 118      2014
#> 119      2014
#> 120      2014
#> 121      2014
#> 122      2014
#> 123      2014
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#> 130      2014
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#> 132      2014
#> 133      2014
#> 134      2014
#> 135      2014
#> 136      2014
#> 137      2014
#> 138      2014
#> 139      2014
#> $ksDists
#>     Year              Parameter KSDistance KSpvalue
#> 1   2014   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 2   2014 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 3   2014            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 4   2014  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 5   2014 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 6   2015 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 7   2015   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 8   2015            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 9   2015  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 10  2015 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 11  2016            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 12  2016 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 13  2016 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 14  2016  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 15  2016   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 16  2017            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 17  2017 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 18  2017 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 19  2017  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 20  2017   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 21  2018            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 22  2018 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 23  2018 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 24  2018  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 25  2018   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 26  2019 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 27  2019 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 28  2019   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 29  2019            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 30  2019  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 31  2020  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 32  2020 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 33  2020   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 34  2020 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 35  2020            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 36  2021            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 37  2021  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 38  2021 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 39  2021   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 40  2021 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 41  2022            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 42  2022 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 43  2022 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 44  2022  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 45  2022   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 46  2023            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 47  2023 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 48  2023 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 49  2023  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 50  2023   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 51  2024            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 52  2024 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 53  2024 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 54  2024  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 55  2024   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 56  2025            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 57  2025 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 58  2025 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 59  2025  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 60  2025   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 61  2026 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 62  2026            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 63  2026  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 64  2026 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 65  2026   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 66  2027   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 67  2027 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 68  2027            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 69  2027  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 70  2027 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 71  2028 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 72  2028   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 73  2028            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 74  2028  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 75  2028 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 76  2029            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 77  2029 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 78  2029 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 79  2029  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 80  2029   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 81  2030            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 82  2030 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 83  2030 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 84  2030  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 85  2030   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 86  2031            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 87  2031 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 88  2031 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 89  2031  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 90  2031   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 91  2032 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 92  2032 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 93  2032   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 94  2032            Recruitment         NA       NA
#> 95  2032  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 96  2033  Adult female survival         NA       NA
#> 97  2033 Population growth rate         NA       NA
#> 98  2033   Adjusted recruitment         NA       NA
#> 99  2033 Female population size         NA       NA
#> 100 2033            Recruitment         NA       NA